7 Affiliate Marketing Examples To Inspire You

Would you like to see some of the best affiliate marketing examples and how they make money by recommending products online? Maybe you want to recommend products yourself, maybe you do it already but don’t make enough, or perhaps you’d like to attract people who could do that for you. Either way, these 7 best affiliate marketing examples will inspire you.

All those big companies that recommend products now started from scratch. They’re now very successful, making a lot of money and employing a lot of people. Now, it’s your turn to follow in their footsteps.

7 Best Affiliate Marketing Examples To Inspire You

Money Saving Expert

affiliate marketing examples
Credit: moneysavingexpert.com

Money Saving Expert is the biggest website in the UK, and it helps people save money. It does its own research, offers cool tools, and has a huge online community.

Money Saving Expert is special because companies can’t pay them to be on the site. They make money from promoting products, but they only promote what is best for you, not them.

First, they write something that helps you, and then they go and see if they can find a special link to the products they wrote about. If they can’t find a link, they will still include the product in the article but not make any money from it.

Money Saving Expert also try not to get too close to the companies that produce the products so they don’t receive any pressure. They use links from other websites or a price comparison website and a percentage of what that site earns. Seems a bit crazy, right? But it works! The website was set up with just £100 in 2003 and now has 16 million people visiting it a month, almost 100 employees, and a list of 13 million email addresses.


Credit: skyscanner.net

Skyscanner is like Google for travel. It finds the cheapest flights, hotels, and car rentals. The results are presented in price order, but they also include reviews and other information.

Most people who visit Skyscanner use Google to find it, thanks to their travel articles and guides. They make their money when people book flights and hotels on their site.

Even if they don’t have an affiliate deal with a hotel or airline, they’ll still show the best prices because they want to ensure they never lose your trust. So, people always come back to use them whenever they plan a trip.

Three college friends started Skyscanner together in 2001, and it got so big that a big Chinese travel company bought it in 2016 for around $1.8 billion. So, they’re definitely doing something right!

affiliate marketing examples
Credit: consumersearch.com

Consumer Search has been running since 1999 and reviews household items like speakers and lawnmowers. It is not the fanciest-looking site, but it is nice and clear to use. Consumer Search is one of the best review sites because it focuses on finding the ‘best’ products. It also has lots and lots of visitors—1.2 million visitors a month!

Instead of telling you which is the best product, they are good at showing you examples of good products for different reasons.

Almost every recommendation in their reviews links to Amazon, and they get up to 12% off every sale. But, as you can imagine, Amazon has more than 12 million products, so they can recommend many things.

We don’t know exactly how much they make, but Consumer Search was sold for $33 million in 2007, and was sold AGAIN for up to $300 million in 2013. So, they must be doing pretty well with Amazon Associates Program.


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Credit: nytimes.com

Wirecutter did a great job of reviewing products and telling you how they’d fit into your day. They made $150 million between 2011 and 2016, at which point the New York Times acquired them. They’re one of the best affiliate marketing examples.

They have a team of experts who all have extensive personal experience with the products they discuss. This lets them build a connection with their visitors, and when they recommend a product, the visitors are more likely to purchase it. They also offer more focused reviews, not a bunch of unrelated products.


affiliate marketing examples
Credit: pcpartpicker.com

This one is perfect for people who are interested in purchasing computer parts. They do expert reviews on parts and then compare them to find the rock-bottom price. They also offer a variety of guides.

This is a great example of honing your expertise and giving your audience exactly what they came for. Its solid advice, examples, and interactive tools prove that it’s the go-to site for this topic.

Minimalist Baker

Minimalist Baker
Credit: minimalistbaker.com

Minimalist Baker specializes in easy cooking—all its recipes require 10 ingredients or less and 30 minutes or less for preparation. This covers people who don’t have much time to cook but still want to eat well and people who need to eat vegan or gluten-free. Moreover, the site has Amazon links for kitchen products. While some products doesn’t pay high commissions, they still earn money if people keep buying it. Plus, it’s convenient for users because they can buy what they need from the recipe page.


affiliate marketing examples
Credit: safewise.com

SafeWise covers home safety. These guys understand what people are concerned about. They offer comparisons, guides, and reviews, and, as a bonus, their posts’ summaries are at the top, so you don’t have to scroll down forever to find the info you need. They link straight to product pages and earn commissions if someone clicks these links and buys the product. They work with Amazon and CJ Affiliates.

However, they don’t stop there. They have a TikTok page and a YouTube channel to promote their content to more people who might want to buy the products they’re promoting.

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